By Sara
23 August 2022

I came to Singapore three months ago to study Business at the Singapore Management University (SMU). So far this experience has been amazing. I got to meet people from different nationalities, discovered great places in Singapore and traveled around Asia. 

SMU is very different from my university in Germany and I had to change some of my habits. In Germany, most classes are very crowded and attendance is voluntary. Moreover, the final exam usually makes up a hundred percent of the grade. There is no mid-terms and participation and attendance is not graded. In addition, we don´t have homework and a lot of students mostly tend to study towards the end of the semester. Here, in Singapore, the workload is much more spread out. Professors at SMU regularly assess on the content and there is a lot of homework. This requires a lot of work and commitment but it also takes same pressure from the final exam. 

I am happy to discover a new system and I feel like I´m learning a lot. I am very thankful for this experience and looking forward to 2 more months of studying and travelling.

Sara, from University of Tuebingen (Germany), currently on exchange at Singapore Management University



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