This program gave me lots of useful information about Singapore, SMU and presentation skills. I am really into this program! I have gained a lot of knowledge from this program.

One of the workshops that helped me the most was the presentation workshop. I learned how to be more confident and received good tips and advices when speaking in public. The group work that we did after the presentation workshop helped me to apply the skills and techniques that I learned through the workshop.

I enjoyed the program as I learned more about Singapore and I now know more tips to make my speaking skills better.

The program benefited me as the workshops managed to help me learned a lot of things such as how we can have a good presentation. These skills would be able to help me in the future.

The topics of the 3 workshops (Singapore Introduction, Discover your dreams, presentation skills) that we have attended were all relevant for the students. Students did learn a lot from it in these fields as they were more equipped with knowledge about Singapore, know how to set goals to puruse their dreams and as well as tips on giving a good presentation.

겨울방학을 맞아 저희 아이들을 싱가폴로 어학연수를 보내봤어요. 인터넷을 열심히 찾다가 플라잉촉스를 발견했구요. 다들 비슷비슷한 프로그램을 가지고 있었는데, 플라잉촉스는 어학연수를 하면서 아이들이 많은 경험을 할 수 있도록 체험을 제공하는거 같아서 우선 전화상담을 받아 보았습니다. 설명해주시던 박지현 선생님이 너무 친절하시더라구요. 비용은 다른 곳과 엇비슷했는데 할인도 해주시고, 일단 프로그램이 너무 좋아서 진행을 하기로 했습니다. 아무래도 아이들끼리 보내는 거다 보니 케어가 잘 될거 같은 곳에 보내야 할 거 같더라구요. 짐 싸는 것부터, 항공권 예약, 숙소 예약까지 차근차근 전부 잘 도와주시고 또 싱가폴에 도착해서도 공항픽업부터 아이들 어학연수 시작까지 늘 꼼꼼히 챙겨 주셔서 정말 잘 선택했다 싶었어요. 저는 GEOS라는 어학기관을 선생님 추천으로 아이들을 보내었는데, 사실 다른 어학기관과 고민을 많이 했었거든요. 한국 아이들이 많다는 말에 외국에 있는 한국 학원에 보낸거 같이 될까봐 걱정이 앞섰는데, 플라잉촉스 선생님이 그렇지 않다고 현지 학원 중에 가장 평이 좋은 기관이라고 하더라구요. 잘 모르니깐 설명 듣고 믿고 보냈는데, 어학기관은 저희 애들도 너무 좋아하고 지금도 정말 잘 선택했다 싶어요. 특히, 플라잉촉스 프로그램을 선택한 이유는 어학연수 + 현지 체험 프로그램 때문이었는데요 다양한 문화 체험도 하고, 외국인들과 교류하는 프로그램, 싱가폴 대학 캠퍼스 투어 등 너무 알차서 좋았어요. 기대했던 것만큼 아주아주 외국인과 교류로 가득찬 그럼 프로그램은 아니었지만, 그래도 이렇게까지 저희 아이들에 맞춰서 진행해주는 프로그램은 없을거 같아요. 전반적으로 너무 만족스러운 프로그램이었습니다. 중학생, 고등학생 자녀분 두고 계신 부모님들께선 싱가폴 단기 어학연수 보낼 계획 중이라면 플라잉촉스 정말 추천하고 싶네요. ^^ 플라잉촉스 선생님들, 너무 수고 많으셨습니다.
I went to Singapore to study with my children on winter vacation. I searched the internet hard and found the Flying Chalks. I had a similar program, but Flying Chalks was offering whole different program that children could have real life experiences of studying abroad.
Park Ji-hyun, who explained it, was very kind. The cost was the same as other places, but the discount was also given, and the program was so good that we decided to proceed. I feel like I should send them to the place where care will be good. They wanted to help me all the way from my baggage, flight bookings and hotel reservations to the airport.
I sent my children to GEOS, a language institute that they recommend, but I actually had a lot of trouble with the language schools. I was worried GEOS have too much Korean so my child won’t learn English, but Flying Chalks ensure me they will be blend with other nationalities.
Particularly, I chose the Flying Chalks program because of the language training + local experience program. I liked the various cultural experiences, exchange programs with foreigners, and the Singapore University campus tours. It was not exactly a program that was full of foreigners and exchanges as we had hoped, but I do not think there will be any programs that will do so for our children. Overall it was a very satisfying program. If you are planning to spend a short-term language training in Singapore for parents of middle school and high school students, I would really recommend Flying Positive. ^^ Flying chess teachers, you've been a lot of work.
The program helped me to know more tips for presentation. I really wanted these tips! Thank you! :)