Zhejiang University China


Public Bicycle

Hangzhou has a bicycle renting system that caters to locals as well as visitors of the country. Visitors can rent a bicycle and tour the city freely. These bikes are available from 06:00 – 20:00.


Getting around Hangzhou is rather easy due to their extensive network of bus services in the downtown area. For every ride, you will have to purchase a one-time ticket which most buses abide to.

Rates range from 1 RMB to 5 RMB depending on its type.

Do note however, that passengers have to ensure that they provide exact change as most buses are non-conductor ones.


Hangzhou owns some of the best models and conditions in the region. Taxi fares are based on meter starting from 10 RMB for the first 3KM and 2 RMB/KM thereafter.

Flying Chalks’ tip: Car numbers are always stated on the receipts. Hence, always remember to get a receipt from the cab driver as it will assist you in locating the taxi should you misplace your belongings!


Hangzhou’s metro system is made up of 3 lines namely Line 1, Line 2 and Line 4.

Line 1 serves the Zhejiang Province, Line 2 links Chaoyang and Qianjiang Road while Line 4 connects Jinjiang with Pengbu. Travel fares vary with distance.

Tickets can be purchased as such:

1. Single Journey tickets: Only valid on the day of issuance
2. Tourist Subway Pass: Valid for 6 months from the day of issuance. Such cards can be purchased from the Customer Service Centers located within metro stations.
3. One Day Pass: 15 RMB for unlimited rides from first use.
4. Three Day Pass: 40 RMB for unlimited rides on metro from first use.

For more information, click here!

Metros are located about 30minutes away from the International Students’ Campus.


If you are looking to travel outside Hangzhou to other provinces in China, you can take the train from Hangzhou Railway Station or East Railway Station.

Hangzhou Railway station is the main and oldest railway station in the city. High speed trains are also available here but this is where most ordinary trains operate from. More information on such train services can be found here and here!

Flying Chalks’ tip: Hangzhou has its Transportation Smart Card that can be used on some city-buses, Taxis and other public transportation. Such cards are divided into different types: Xi Ling Card, Z Card, Ordinary “D Card” and All-purpose “T-card”. For more information, click here!

You can visit the Transport Card Hub at 25 Ding An Lu to purchase the Transportation Smart Card.

Banking Services

Banking Services:

To set up a bank account, you will require:

  • Passport (original and photocopy)
  • Student's Pass or Letter of Acceptance from the school

You can set up a bank account at Bank of China at no charge. However, do note that each bank has different requirements to open an account, with differing minimum balances and service charges. 

Flying Chalks’ tip: The nearest Bank of China is located at Qiu Shi Road, on the right of the entrance of Lu Yuan (Green Garden) Apartments – outside of “Xin Qiao Men”, Gate of Yuquan Campus.

Major Banks in China:

Bank of China

Bank of China Homepage
Locations in Hangzhou:

  • Zhejiang Branch: No.321, Feng Qi Lu, Xiacheng District
  • Xihu Branch: No.44, Guang Hua Xiang, Shangcheng District
  • Zheda Branch: No.146, Yu Gu Lu,  Xihu District
  • Xiaoshan Branch: No.288, Ren Min Lu,  Xiaoshan District

Customer Service: 95566 (emergency hotline) 40066 95566 (Credit Card hotline)


Agricultural Bank of China (ABC)



ABC Homepage 
Locations: Locate a Branch
Customer Service: 95599


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)


ICBC Homepage
Locations (Not available in Hangzhou): Locate a Branch 
Customer Service: Call or SMS your enquiries to 95588


Bank of Communications



Bank of Communications Homepage
Locations: Locate a Branch
Customer Service: 24-hour hotline: 95559


Standard Chartered Bank



Standard Chartered Bank Homepage
Locations: Locate a Branch 
Customer Service
Customer Service Webpage





​Citibank Homepage 
Locations: Locate a branch
Customer ServiceCustomer Service Webpage 
Citibank 24-Hour Service Hotline: 400-821-1880; 800-830-1880 (For land lines within mainland China)





HSBC Homepage 
Locations: Locate a Branch
Customer Service:Customer Service Webpage

Post Office

Post office Services:

Mail and parcel notices will be delivered to the front desk of International College Building of Yuquan campus for students staying there.

To ensure that you receive your parcel/ mail, do follow this format:

Dorm Room Number
International College
P.O. Box W-99, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027, P.R. China


The two Post Offices closet to ZheJiang University are:

玉泉邮  (Yuquan Postal Office)

Address: 玉古路117号 (117 Yu Gu Road)

Contact Number: 8799 2113
Operating Hours: 09:00 – 17:00

国际邮局 (International Postal Office)

Address: 解放路新1号 (New 1, Jie Fang Road)

Contact Number: 8718 2182
Operating Hours: 09:00 – 17:00


For express delivery services, do check out these websites:

1. China Post EMS



Homepage: www.ems.com.cn
Hotline: 11185


2. DHL



Hotline: 800-810-8000


3. Fedex



Hotline: 800-988-1888 (regular phone, free of charge); 400-886-1888 (mobile phone, no long distance fee)


4. TNT



Hotline: 800-820-868


Medical Services

Medical services:


Hangzhou is a city with advanced medical resources. You will be glad to know that there are several hospitals within Zhejiang University for minor diseases (one to each campus); hence you do not have to worry about accessibility of medical services while on campus!

The major hospitals around campus are:

Campus hospital

玉泉校区校医院 (Yuquan Campus Hospital)

Address: Located south of the International College Building

邵逸夫医院(Sir Run Run Shaw International Hospital in Hangzhou)

浙江大学医学院附属医院The Sir Run Run Shaw hospital is considered as one of the superior hospitals within China’s cities that is made up of dedicated some English speaking nurses, doctors and staffs.

Address: 庆春东路3号  杭州市   浙江大学医学院 (3 East Qing Chun Road, HangZhou, ZheJiang University School of Medicine)
Contact: +86-571-86090073 (switchboard); 86006016 (VIP Clinic reception and appointments)
Website: www.srrsh.com

浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 (First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine)

An International Clinic is also available at the First Affiliated Hospital within Zhejiang University School of Medicine. This is one of the largest hospitals in the province.

Address: 杭州市,庆春路79号 杭州市, 浙江大学医学院, 第十一楼 (79 Qingchun Rd, Shangcheng, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 310003, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, 11th floor)
Contact: +86-571-87236166
Website: www.zy91.com

浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 (Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine

The hospital is regarded as one of the best hospitals to treat internal illnesses.

Address:浙江杭州市,解放路88号(88 Jiefang Road, HangZhou)

Contact: 87783777
Website: http://www.z2hospital.com/


Flying Chalks’ tip: If you know that you have drug allergies or is in constant need of medical attention, do bring along a copy of your medical record that contains detailed information regarding the medicine you are taking, treatments received or are receiving as well as all other medical histories.



There are three Telecom providers in China, namely China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom using different networks.

SIM Cards can be purchased from any one of the carrier’s service counter. Upon purchase of the new SIM card, activating the SIM card will normally require users to deposit a small amount (approximately 100 RMB).

If you have purchased a top-up card, top-ups can be done at the service centres or by purchasing a top-up card at 30/50/100 RMB.

China Unicom



China Unicom allows you to customize your plan based on your needs –amount of data, talk time and number of texts. Rates are listed in the table below. For more information, click here! Within Yuquan campus, you can find a branch to purchase your SIM cards!

Should you require assistance, you can call their 24-hours helpline at 10010.


China Unicom

4G Data Packages

1GB ($25), 2GB ($35), 3GB ($45), 6GB ($80)

Talk & Text

50 Mins or 100 Texts ($2.5),
150 Mins or 300 Texts ($6.5)
250 Mins or 500 Texts ($11.5)
None 0 Mins/Texts

Direct International Calling (Optional)

Divided into zones A-D at which different zones are allocated with different durations


China Telecom



China Telecom offers pre-paid 4G domestic data plans payable either monthly, quarterly or 4GB, 200/), half-yearly or yearly with validity lasting for different durations. For more information, click here! Should you require assistance, you can call their 24 hours helpline at 10000.

Flying Chalks’ tip: It is strongly encouraged to purchase a local SIM card as international roaming charges are very pricey. For extra tips on making calls in China, click here! Although uncommon now, phone booths are also available for you to make calls. Some phone booths are paid using telephone cards while others operate with coins.

Survival Guide


Weather in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, is generally warm and mild, with abundant sunshine and rainfall year round. However, you can still expect to experience 4 distinct seasons. The average temperature in Hangzhou is 15 degrees.

Spring in Hangzhou begins in late March and ends in middle June where temperatures are warmer. It is also the period where rain starts to fall, leaving a layer of fog across the lakes, hills and pavilions. June is the month that receives most rainfall in Hangzhou. This is also the season where peach blossoms appear.

The hottest season, Summer, usually extends from late June to late September. It is rainy and hot with an average temperature of 29 degree Celsius (84 degree Fahrenheit). Of these months, July is most often the hottest despite being the “Plum Rain Season”.

However from late August to end September, it is the season of umbrella where typhoons, heavy rain and strong winds take place.

Between October to early December, you can expect a drop in temperatures (an average of 17 degrees Celsius), clear sky and sweet scents of Osmanthus. This is also the season of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Expect little snow and an average temperature of as low as 3 degrees Celsius (37 degree Fahrenheit) between the periods of December to middle March. Of these cold months, the coldest period usually falls in January.

More information on Hangzhou’s weather can be found here!         

For more information, click here or visit Zhejiang’s Life Guide.


 General nationwide emergency hotline that can be used to call for all emergencies

110, 119, 120

Police (available in 12 languages)


Police (text message)


Paramedics / Ambulance


Fire Hazard


Division of Exit-Entry Administration of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau

8728 0185 (Chinese)

8728 0539 (Non-Chinese)

CNTA (China National Tourism Administration)

Office Hours: 08:30-12:00; 14:30-17:00



By Matthew Seong
2016-06-09 11:27:41
Zhe Jiang Uni has many campuses. For my 4 month exchange in China I stayed at the Zi Jin Gang campus. It is a really nice place! So much food and things to explore around there. The people there are quite polite too as it isn't a city like place. If you are into scenery, you can visit XiHu (West Lake) which has a really nice atmosphere, especially dawn and dusk. If you feel more adventurous you could climb the famous Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain). The view there is just incredible. A group of us spent 3 days on the mountain. It was an experience I would never forget! Just next to the place we were staying at was a back alley that led to a a place across a bridge that we called 'Hou Jie'. It sold a wide variety of food and dessert ranging from tradition Chinese food to western and Korean food It was a good experience overall and I wouldn't mind going back to eat the good food and take in the scenery of the place again!
By Zhizhong Leong
2016-04-22 15:13:18
My international exchange programme to Zhejiang University was a great learning journey where I learnt so much about China's culture and also, met a lot of international friends. The global exposure trained me to be an adaptable and independent individual. I would recommend students to go if they are looking for a reasonably priced exchange programme with interesting experiences.