08 July 2024

Flying Chalks recently organized a transformative study tour for teachers and educators from Sajik Elementary School in South Korea as part of our Singapore Early Childhood & School Visit Program. The aim of the program was to provide the delegates with a holistic experience that not only offered insights into global educational standards but also inspired the implementation of innovative teaching strategies.


We designed a comprehensive study tour that included a variety of enriching activities and visits to leading educational institutions in Singapore. Each component of the program was thoughtfully selected to maximize the participants' benefits, with an emphasis on advancing their professional growth and widening their educational horizons.

One of the highlights of the program was the visit to the Canadian International School (CIS), a leading international school in Singapore. CIS is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and holistic education, making it an ideal model for educators seeking to expand their educational perspectives. The visit allowed the delegates to gain firsthand experience with cutting-edge facilities, innovative teaching methodologies, and advanced educational practices.

In addition, to ensure a seamless experience, our program also provided a range of support services, including arranging for a professional Korean translator and a dedicated local guide to coordinate all the activities and accompany the group throughout the program.

Our Singapore Early Childhood & School Visit Program for Sajik Elementary School exemplifies our commitment to delivering high-quality, insightful experiences tailored to the unique needs of our clients.


The Role of Flying Chalks

We offer comprehensive support in planning and executing the entire program, including:

  • Consultation: engaging with the client to understand their group's profile, program goals, logistical needs, and other required support.
  • Customized planning: designing a tailored program that aligns with their specific needs and budget.
  • Company visits: organizing and scheduling all company visits.
  • Accommodation: arranging hotel accommodations for the duration of the program.
  • Transportation: coordinating private bus transportation and liaising with drivers throughout the program.
  • Translation services: providing professional Korean translators.
  • Local coordination: assigning a dedicated local guide to manage all logistics and accompany the group throughout the entire program.

About Flying Chalks

We are an award-winning Global Study Abroad Specialist headquartered in Singapore with branch offices in South Korea, Vietnam, and other locations in Asia.

One of our main services is planning and running customised study tour programs, with clients that include schools, multinational companies, private academies, travel agents and even government organisations.

If you’re interested in organizing a similar educational tour for your group, contact Flying Chalks today. Our expert team is ready to assist you in creating a memorable and insightful experience tailored to your specific needs. Let us handle the details while you focus on learning and discovery!